Leagues are joined individually by a member (only)
Leagues run about 5 times a year for 7 weeks.
Players commit to play for 7 weeks and will work with Captain to obtain a sub when they cannot play.
Registration is on a “first-come-first serve” basis on the day the League Coordinator indicates as Registration Day.
Skill Levels include 2.5(newer), 3.0 (intermediate), 3.5 (intermediate+)
The format is a one-up-one-down rotation. Player rotation is determined by a win/loss scoring.
For questions regarding League play email: [email protected]
Tournament Series is a format where you register as a team. There are men’s, women’s, and mixed formats.
The program runs approximately 5 times a year for 7 weeks.
Players commit to playing for 7 weeks, and the team provides sub(s) as needed.
Week 1-6 is a competitive rotation with a Tournament
on week 7.
Registration is by club skill level: 3.0 (intermediate), 3.5 (intermediate+), 4.0 (advanced), 4.5+ (advanced +).
For questions regarding Tournament Series play email: [email protected]