spacious weight room area
Racks / Machines / Benches and Barbells


Lift Your Routine at Coeur d'Alene Gym

Pump up your strength training at PEAK Health & Wellness! In addition to free weights, our Coeur d’Alene fitness center provides plenty of equipment to sculpt muscles and build lean muscle mass, improve endurance, and boost weight loss.

New to strength training? Our trainers can show you form and technique, as well as intensity and duration, for a safe, effective strength workout. You can also boost your exercise by adding a group fitness class to your routine. Check out the class schedule for sessions like Boot Camp, PEAK Physique, and Cycle Sculpt.

Strength training is about more than building muscle; an effective workout also helps tone, sculpt and define -- and its also a valuable resource for your weight loss tool kit.

man lifting weights

Every age and skill level can benefit from strength workouts, and our trainers can help you develop a results-focused routine that you can safely accomplish.

man working out with dumbbells

Check out our selection of Hammer Strength squat racks and plate loaded machines, Life Fitness machines, a Smith machine, barbells, plate loaded bars and dumbbells.

man lifting free weights

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